Friday, September 3, 2010

Someplace new

So, while you, likely a lone reader addressed here, were eagerly refreshing my blog, waiting with barely contained enthusiasm and desire to read yet more of my mindless drivel, you may have noticed that my location widget updated. I'm in Boston now.

I arrived in a stunning blaze of... fog. Everyone on the plane was surprised by the landing, it looked like we were in a cloud from 30,000 feet all the way to the ground. Nuts. Good thing the IFR is part of a pilot's license, right?

I've settled in (as much as I think i'm willing to) to the room I've rented for the duration of my stay in this city. It looks like it'll mostly be three Chamber employees in the house, as the lady who owns it isn't going to be here much, and her son's going to Ireland for two weeks. Whatever works.

Tomorrow I go to get lost in the city. So now I must sleep. More thoughts to come, and probably some pictures.

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